Recovery Assignments

RECOVERY:  According to the Fulton County Recovery Program, a student must be given the opportunity for recovery if the course average drops below passing or if a student’s performance indicates a significant achievement decline at the end of the unit.  Grade reports will be issued every six weeks.  Once a student has completed all assignments, he or she must initiate the request for recovery within three days of the notification of a failing average.  At that time, and on an individual basis, a program for the student’s recovery will be implemented.  Recovery work will not be given during the final two weeks of the semester.  Recovery options will be tailored to students' needs as indicated via standards Based Grade reports.

MAKE-UP WORK:  It is each student’s responsibility to make up any missed work due to EXCUSED absenteeism.  A list of assignments will be accessible to students in the classroom.  Students are allowed the same number of days to make-up work as they are out of school.  For example, if a student has an excused absence for two days, he/she has two days to make up work.  I am available before and after school by appointment.  Excessive absences may result in lower grades.

LATE WORK: Students should make every effort to submit work on time.  Late essays, projects, or homework is unacceptable.  Late work will be accepted at the teacher's discretion.